- Have a goal in life, and try your absolute best to achieve it. A life without a goal is like trying to walk to the other side of the country without a map. You may need to search long and hard to find something that you're passionate about but it will be worth it. It will set your whole life straight.
- Never try to sell yourself for anything! Self respect is the most important thing a women can have. Be true to yourself and don't let anyone else steer you away from the right path and stop you from achieving your goals.
- Don't have sex until marriage! This may sound very old fashioned, but it is essential if you want to find true love and don't want to end up in comlicated situation that will cost you your whole life. These days sex seems like a casual activity, but it certainly isn't! It could get you into a lot of complicated situations that will ruin your life! If a guy loves you enough he will want to spend his entire life with you so he wouldn't mind waiting until marriage (that's if he's the right guy). If he is willing to wait, it will really show you how much he loves you. Without sex, he will love you more as a person rather than love you for your body and what he can do with it.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
How to Be a Successful Young Woman
Monday, November 29, 2010
"Cerdasnya orang yang beriman adalah, dia yang mampu mengolah hidupnya yang sesaat, yang sekejap untuk hidup yang panjang. Hidup bukan untuk hidup, tetapi hidup untuk Yang Maha Hidup. Hidup bukan untuk mati, tapi mati itulah untuk hidup.
Kita jangan takut mati, jangan mencari mati, jangan lupakan mati, tapi rindukan mati. Kerana, mati adalah pintu berjumpa dengan Allah SWT. Mati bukanlah cerita dalam akhir hidup, tapi mati adalah awal cerita sebenarnya, maka sambutlah kematian dengan penuh ketakwaan.
Hendaknya kita selalu menjaga tujuh sunnah Nabi setiap hari. Ketujuh sunnah Nabi SAW itu adalah:
Pertama: tahajjud, kerana kemuliaan seorang mukmin terletak pada tahajjudnya.
Kedua: membaca Al-Qur'an sebelum terbit matahari Alangkah baiknya sebelum mata melihat dunia, sebaiknya mata membaca Al-Qur'an terlebih dahulu dengan penuh pemahaman.
Ketiga: jangan tinggalkan masjid terutama di waktu shubuh. Sebelum melangkah kemana pun langkahkan kaki ke masjid, kerana masjid merupakan pusat keberkahan, bukan kerana panggilan muadzin tetapi panggilan Allah yang mencari orang beriman untuk memakmurkan masjid Allah.
Keempat: jaga solat dhuha, kerana kunci rezeki terletak pada solat dhuha.
Kelima: jaga sedekah setiap hari. Allah menyukai orang yang suka bersedekah, dan malaikat Allah selalu mendoakan kepada orang yang bersedekah setiap hari.
Keenam: jaga wudhu terus menerus kerana Allah menyayangi hamba yang berwudhu. Kata khalifah Ali bin Abu Thalib, "Orang yang selalu berwudhu senantiasa ia akan merasa selalu solat walau ia sedang tidak solat, dan dijaga oleh malaikat dengan dua doa, ampuni dosa dan sayangi dia ya Allah".
Ketujuh: amalkan istighfar setiap saat. Dengan istighfar masalah yang terjadi kerana dosa kita akan dijauhkan oleh Allah.
Kita jangan takut mati, jangan mencari mati, jangan lupakan mati, tapi rindukan mati. Kerana, mati adalah pintu berjumpa dengan Allah SWT. Mati bukanlah cerita dalam akhir hidup, tapi mati adalah awal cerita sebenarnya, maka sambutlah kematian dengan penuh ketakwaan.
Hendaknya kita selalu menjaga tujuh sunnah Nabi setiap hari. Ketujuh sunnah Nabi SAW itu adalah:
Pertama: tahajjud, kerana kemuliaan seorang mukmin terletak pada tahajjudnya.
Kedua: membaca Al-Qur'an sebelum terbit matahari Alangkah baiknya sebelum mata melihat dunia, sebaiknya mata membaca Al-Qur'an terlebih dahulu dengan penuh pemahaman.
Ketiga: jangan tinggalkan masjid terutama di waktu shubuh. Sebelum melangkah kemana pun langkahkan kaki ke masjid, kerana masjid merupakan pusat keberkahan, bukan kerana panggilan muadzin tetapi panggilan Allah yang mencari orang beriman untuk memakmurkan masjid Allah.
Keempat: jaga solat dhuha, kerana kunci rezeki terletak pada solat dhuha.
Kelima: jaga sedekah setiap hari. Allah menyukai orang yang suka bersedekah, dan malaikat Allah selalu mendoakan kepada orang yang bersedekah setiap hari.
Keenam: jaga wudhu terus menerus kerana Allah menyayangi hamba yang berwudhu. Kata khalifah Ali bin Abu Thalib, "Orang yang selalu berwudhu senantiasa ia akan merasa selalu solat walau ia sedang tidak solat, dan dijaga oleh malaikat dengan dua doa, ampuni dosa dan sayangi dia ya Allah".
Ketujuh: amalkan istighfar setiap saat. Dengan istighfar masalah yang terjadi kerana dosa kita akan dijauhkan oleh Allah.
Zikir adalah bukti syukur kita kepada Allah. Bila kita kurang bersyukur, maka kita kurang berzikir pula, oleh kerana itu setiap waktu harus selalu ada penghayatan dalam melaksanakan ibadah ritual dan ibadah ajaran Islam lainnya. Zikir juga merupakan makanan rohani yang paling bergizi, dan dengan zikir berbagai kejahatan dapat ditangkal sehingga jauhlah umat manusia dari sifat-sifat yang berpangkal pada materialisme dan hedonisme.
Kebaikan Manjakani Pada Wanita
Manjakani, dianggap sebagai buah `ajaib', dihasilkan melalui proses metamorfosis apabila sejenis serangga penyengat yang hinggap dan menetaskan telurnya di atas daun pokok oak. Telur yang menetas menghasilkan enzim-enzim yang merangsang bekalan makanan pada sel-sel daun sehingga terbentuknya satu bebola keras yang dipanggil Manjakani.
Manjakani telah digunakan secara meluas dalam perubatan tradisional sejak berkurun lamanya oleh orang-orang Arab , Iran , India , Cina dan Melayu. Malah ia dipercayai telah mula digunakan sejak 2725 Sebelum Masehi oleh orang-orang Mesir Purba. Kajian menunjukkan bahawa Manjakani kaya dengan tannin, asid tanik, anti-oksida, vitamin (terutama vitamin A dan C), kalsium, serat, protein, zat besi dan karbohidrat. Manjakani juga mengandungi unsur-unsur seperti astrigen, anti-mikrobial, anti-inflamasi, anti-oksida dan anti-radang.
Manjakani sering digunakan untuk tujuan-tujuan berikut dalam perubatan:
- Awet muda: Anti-oksida dalam Manjakani boleh melambatkan proses penuaan sel;
- Pencegahan kencing manis: Asid Galik boleh mencegah kencing manis dan lelah;
- Pencegahan barah payudara dan rahim: Anti-oksida dalam Manjakani boleh mencegah barah buah dada dan barah rahim;
- Pencegahan bau yang tidak diingini: Manjakani yang bersifat astrigen boleh membasmi kuman yang mengakibatkan bau yang tidak selesa pada faraj;
- Merawat otot-otot dalam faraj: Tannin yang terdapat dalam Manjakani mempunyai sifat menegangkan semula otot-otot dalam faraj dan menyebabkan faraj menjadi sempit semula;
- Mengawal lendir dan lelehan faraj: Astrigen juga mampu menyerap lebihan darah haid dan nifas;
- Mengecutkan semula tisu-tisu: Astrigen membantu mengecutkan semula tisu-tisu di dalam faraj terutama selepas bersalin;
- Menegang dan mencantikkan kulit: Astrigen boleh mencantikkan kulit dan mencegah masalah kulit muka seperti jerawat;
- Mata yang sihat: Astrigen terbukti dapat memberikan penglihatan yang jelas kerana ia dapat mengecutkan tisu-tisu mata;
- Merawat payudara: Oleh kerana Manjakani dapat menegangkan kembali otot-otot, maka amalan mengambil minuman Manjakani dapat memperbaiki payudara yang hilang sifat keanjalannya;
- Gigi dan tulang: Kalsium dalam Manjakani dapat membantu menguatkan gigi dan tulang;
- Mulut: Astrigen dalam Manjakani dapat mengekalkan kebersihan mulut;
- Kulit kering dan berminyak: Astrigen dapat mengekal dan mengawal keseimbangan lembapan kulit;
- Merawat ulser: Amalan meminum Manjakani juga dapat membantu merawat penyakit ulser;
- Melawaskan pembuangan air kerana Manjakani mempunyai serat makanan yang tinggi.
- Vitamin, zat galian serta karbohidrat dan protein boleh membantu memberi kesihatan yang baik.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
9 Amalan Menambah Rezeki Kekayaan
Petua menambah rezeki kekayaan dahpun anda ketahui. Kalau belum tahu, sila rujuk ke sini. Seterusnya, apakah amalan yang perlu anda buat untuk menambah rezeki kekayaan. Tulisan kali ni dikhaskan bagi anda yang beragama Islam kerana ia melibatkan ayat suci Al-Quran.

Antara amalan yang boleh anda amalkan mulai hari ini adalah;
1. Menunaikan solat dengan penuh khusyuk.
2. Rajin melakikan solat sunat Dhuha.
3. Mengerjakan solat Fajar dan Witir di rumah.
4. Tak membincangkan soal keduniaan selepas menunaikan solat Witir.
5. Membaca surah Al-Waqiah (rujuk ms 534 dalam Al-Quran resam Uthmani). Baca pada waktu tengah malam terutamanya ketika orang lain sedang tidur.
6. Membaca Surah Al-Mulk (rujuk ms 562).
7. Membaca Surah Al-Muzammil (rujuk ms 574).
8. Membaca Surah Al-Lail (rujuk ms 595). Ini surah lazim, dalam Muqaddam pun ade.
9. Memperbanyakkan selawat ke atas Nabi S.A.W setiap hari.
3 Cara Atasi Masalah Bau Mulut
Bau mulut yang kurang enak akan mengundang rasa tak selesa di kalangan rakan-rakan ataupun pasangan anda. Bila anda mula bercakap jer, mereka akan duduk jauh sikit. Sebagai "keselamatan" lah katakan. Tapi anda mungkin kurang atau langsung tak sedar. Sebab mereka tak pernah tegur pun. Jadi lepas ni, rajin-rajinlah periksa bau mulut anda tu yer. :)
Langkah pertama yang perlu anda buat adalah berjumpalah doktor untuk pemeriksaan gigi anda. Sebab gigi yang berlubang atau rosak boleh menjadi penyebab mulut berbau ni.
Sekiranya gigi anda sihat, namun mulut masih gak berbau; anda boleh cuba 3 petua yang berlainan di bawah ni.
1. Mengunyah setangkai bunga cengkih tiap-tiap hari.
2. Jika anda nak berkumur, gunakan air garam.
Biasanya kalau lepas makan tu, bolehlah anda berkumur dengan air garam.
3. Anda boleh kunyah sedikit beras yang telah dibersihkan dahulu.
Begitulah petua-petua ringkas yang boleh anda cuba. Sebaliknya, jika ada di antara ahli keluarga atau rakan anda yang mengalami masalah mulut berbau, syorkan kat mereka mana-mana kaedah di atas. Mereka pasti berterima kasih nanti. =D
Selamat Mencuba!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Urutan Menaikkan Seri Wajah Bakal Pengantin
KALA bersanding di pelaminan indah, pastinya semua mata memberi tumpuan. Bukan saja terpesona pada busana indah berjahit labuci dan jemeki, juga pada pelamin mewah dengan hiasan moden.
Paling penting, senyuman mempelai yang tentunya menjadi perhatian tetamu. Sebagai raja sehari, setiap wanita mahukan kesempurnaan pada hari bahagia mereka bukan saja dari segi luaran, namun kecantikan dalaman yang menjadi keutamaan.
Menjelang tiga bulan sebelum tarikh perkahwinan walau sesibuk mana sekalipun tugasan di pejabat, wanita yang akan bergelar ratu sehari seharusnya meluangkan masa memberi kemanjaan serta belaian pada tubuh dengan mengunjungi pusat kecantikan yang menyediakan rawatan khusus untuk bakal pengantin.
9 Ways to Make the Right Decision
The landscape of our brain is not a rational place. We still walk around with the same Stone Age brain our ancestors had – a mess of emotions, imperfect memories, bad habits and a short attention span. To top it off, it never has all the facts to make the “perfect” decision.
From here the story gets worse. We even make decisions without being conscious of having done so. When neuroscientists examined brain activity during a simple decision-making experiment, they noticed people had often decided on a course of action 10 seconds before they were consciously aware of having made any decision at all.
How can we ever hope to make the right decision?
In reality things aren’t so bad, we make decisions all day, everyday. The world keeps turning and we feel like we are in control. So the important question to ask becomes:
How can we be sure we are making the best decision possible?
The good news is that the field of neuroscience has made us well aware of the shortcomings of the human brain. By knowing these weaknesses, we can then use a simple strategy to work around them.
The 9 Ways to Make Good Decisions
1. Listen to your instincts but don’t let them boss you around.
We evolved instincts for a reason – they work really well. To our Stone Age ancestors the ability to make a snap decision could’ve made the difference between being eaten by a saber-toothed tiger and eating one. But how many tigers have you been faced with lately? We rarely need to make snap decisions anymore but still, you can’t stop yourself from making them. Don’t fight it, but don’t simply stop there. Ask “why did I think that?” or “why do I feel that way?”
2. List your alternatives.
The brain is the most powerful computer in existence, but it sucks at multitasking. It’s difficult to hold more than 7 different trains of thought in your mind at once, and impossible to concentrate on two of them simultaneously. The reason we don’t crash our cars while talking on our cell phones is because we can switch between tasks really quickly – but much slower, and less accurately than doing either alone. Write down every option you have for the decision you’re making, get it out of your head and spend some quality time on each one.
3. Rephrase the question.
You know what it takes to be a genius or a brilliant scientist? It’s not good grades and it’s not memorizing facts. It’s simply asking the right questions. Whatever problem you have, try writing it down in three or four different ways. Forcing yourself to think about the problem in different ways makes it easier to come up with different solutions.
4. Anticipate history.
Our memory isn’t as good as we think it is, and hence, we don’t remember how bad it can be. It’s this selective memory that lets you remember who you talked to today, but not what you had for breakfast on Tuesday last week. Using history to make a decision requires that we remember what happened last time we were in a similar situation. Go slow and be critical with your recall – beware of only remembering your wins vs. your misses.
5. Remember that time is on your side.
Distance gives perspective. It’s the oldest advice out there – separate yourself from the emotions of the moment. Unless you’re a character from Star Trek this is impossible to do instantly, so the next best thing is to put some time between now and when you actually make the decision.
6. Think of this as a test.
The human brain is not isolated – it’s hard wired to function in social situations with our peers. The upshot of this is that we devote a lot of time and energy to working in groups and maintaining friends and our status. Imagine that you’re going to be graded for the decision you’re making and you will automatically pay more attention to the process. Write down why you made your decision and follow this by thinking: “This is an exam. I’m handing this in, and I won’t get another chance to change it. Others will see it and grade my logic”. Doing this makes you more likely to examine the “why” of what you’re doing and weed out poorly made plans.
7. Common knowledge isn’t.
Spot those “taken for granted” moments and ask why that’s the case. Everyone knows that you shouldn’t swim after eating, but why is that? Is it actually true for everyone? What if you’re just wading in the water and you can stand easily enough? Question the assumptions you’re making and judge if they really apply to you.
8. Make the damn decision.
Are you deciding your career path or what brand of cereal to eat? Not all decisions are equal so don’t waste your time. You don’t need to follow steps 1 – 9 every breakfast time.
9. Make the decision concrete.
You can endlessly re-analyze and agonize over what you’ve decided. You have to stop sometime. Make it real, write it down. Once your decision is out of your head and in the real world, your brain can stop constantly churning through the options and get on with the next task.
Remember, the landscape of our brain is not a rational place. You shouldn’t even force your brain to follow this list from 1 to 9. The best decision you can make here is just do the steps that appeal to you, in any order. I’ll leave you with one final thought: Whatever you do, the only key to making the best decisions in life, is to want to.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Mandian Susu Aura Seri..

Kebaikan Mandi Susu
Wanita modern manapun pasti mendambakan memiliki kulit yang mulus. Berbagai jalan dilakukan oleh seorang wanita agar kulitnya menjadi mulus. Salah satunya melalui mandi susu.
Berendamlah di dalamnya selama 15 minit kemudian gosok seluruh tubuh Anda menggunakan span mandi. Kulit pun akan menjadi lembut dan bercahaya. Tambahan beberapa titis minyak almond akan menambah kehalusan kulit.
Mandi susu sangat digemari kerana ia boleh melembut dan mencerahkan kulit.Ada lima kebaikan mandi susu iaitu :
* menyental kulit mati
* melembab
* mengembali keanjalan kulit
* mengurangkan tekanan
* menghalang kedut
Sila lawati website kami untuk maklumat lanjut (http://yoyoyspa.com/)
No.19-1, Jalan PGN-1A/1, Jalan Pinggiran Batu Caves,
68100 Batu Caves, Gombak
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03-4146 4378
03-6184 1455
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Email : mail@yoyoyspa.com
No.19-1, Jalan PGN-1A/1, Jalan Pinggiran Batu Caves,
68100 Batu Caves, Gombak
Telefon :
03-4146 4378
03-6184 1455
012-308 4479
Email : mail@yoyoyspa.com
Sila ke Yoyoy Kamphora Spa untuk mendapatkan rawatan mandian seperti berikut:
- Mandian Susu
- Mandian Aura Seri
- Mandian Susu + Aura Seri
- Mandian Bunga
- Mandian Bunga + Aura Seri + Susu + Aromatherapy + Madu
Are you a Good Muslimah ?
I have been reading the Transliteration of Quran lately, And i have come across some spine-chilling verses which shook me back to reality, to understand why am I here, What can i do to save myself from Hell-Fire. I was at-first ignorant of the open warnings in Quran for the people who choose to neglect Allah’s message and Book,Quran. I have seen myself growing as a good Muslimah by each passing day. I dont claim to be a pure and good Muslimah, but i do believe I am better than what i was yesterday. Reading books opens our mind to some valuable information, making us one step closer to our Religion. Like, I dint knew until now that a woman is supposed to offer her prayer wearing her socks, i.e covering her feet. There maybe millions of such things which we dont know, but we can always certainly make an effort to strengthen our faith towards Allah.
We have no idea, of how many sins are we committing in a day, If i am asked, I have no answer to that. Ever wondered, What if our sins lands us in a place, which is much dreaded- Hell? As mentioned in Quran many times, On the Day of Judgement, We people will realize our mistake and regret our actions, but what use is it for us then ? If we have to realize something, if we have to make amends, if we have to try to be a Good Muslimah, Now is the time. C’mmon sisters and Brothers, Wake up !
While reading the verses of Surah Al-Ala(87), I read a hadith quoted by Ahmad, as recorded from Abu Sa’id that the Messenger of Allah said, ” Concerning the people of Fire who will be dwellers of it, they will not die in it nor will they live. However, there will be a group pf people – or as he said – whom the fire will burn due to their sins – or as he said – their wrongdoings. So, He will cause them to die until they become burnt coal. Then the intercession will be allowed and they will be bought group after group, and they will be scattered over the rivers of Paradise. Then it will be said: ‘O people of Paradise! Pour down upon them’. Then they will sprout like the growing of the seed that is upon the moist bank of flowing stream”
Now, Ponder over. Would you like to reside in Paradise as a human or as a sprout ? I am sure, everyone would choose the earlier one over the latter one. Now is the chance to shape our destiny, Now is the chance to choose our dwelling place, in the hereafter.
Another verse and Hadith: People who committed a lot of sin (referring to the people of Tawhid), shall be sent to Hell, which will be their dwelling place, and they will remain in it for Ahqab, which is the plural of Huqb. Huqb means a period of time.
Ibn Jabbar recorded from Salim that he heard Al-Hasan being asked about Allah’s statement *They will abide therein Ahqab* V.78;23. In reference to Ahqab, it has no specific amount of time other than its general meaning of eternity in the Hell-fire. However, they have mentioned that the Huqb is seventy to eighty years, and the year is one three hundred and sixty five days,and every day of it is like one thousand years according to your reckoning(in this life). And it is which has no end to it, whenever a era comes to an end, a new era follows it.
I hope this post would encourage Muslim brothers and Sisters to choose their fate, and try each day to be a better Muslimah than you were yesterday. May Allah guide us all, Ameen
How To Be A Good Muslimah - Respect to Parents
When writing about "How To Be A Good Muslimah", of course, there are the basics: the five daily prayers and the reading of the Quran. The fasting, the charity, and the good manners. But more than that, how should a modern girl living in the West try to be a good muslimah? What steps should she take to set her apart from the rest?
(I will attempt to write on this topic in a series of short posts, but I want to add that I am not attempting this question by claiming that I know the answer. Instead, I am answering it to clear my thoughts and in fact, encourage myself.)
(I will attempt to write on this topic in a series of short posts, but I want to add that I am not attempting this question by claiming that I know the answer. Instead, I am answering it to clear my thoughts and in fact, encourage myself.)
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
10 Jenis Solat Ditolak Oleh Allah S.W.T.
Rasulullah S.A.W. telah bersabda yang bermaksud : "Sesiapa yang memelihara solat, maka solat itu sebagai cahaya baginya, petunjuk dan jalan selamat dan barang siapa yang tidak memelihara solat, maka sesungguhnya solat itu tidak menjadi cahaya, dan tidak juga menjadi petunjuk dan jalan selamat baginya." (Tabyinul Mahaarim)
Rasulullah S.A.W telah bersabda bahawa : "10 orang solatnya tidak diterima oleh Allah S.W.T, antaranya :
1. Orang lelaki yang solat sendirian tanpa membaca sesuatu.
2. Orang lelaki yang mengerjakan solat tetapi tidak mengeluarkan zakat.
3. Orang lelaki yang menjadi imam, padahal orang yang menjadi makmum membencinya.
4. Orang lelaki yang melarikan diri.
5. Orang lelaki yang minum arak tanpa mahu meninggalkannya (Taubat).
6. Orang perempuan yang suaminya marah kepadanya.
7. Orang perempuan yang mengerjakan solat tanpa memakai tudung.
8. Imam atau pemimpin yang sombong dan zalim menganiaya.
9. Orang-orang yang suka makan riba'.
10. Orang yang solatnya tidak dapat menahannya dari melakukan perbuatan yang keji dan mungkar."
Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W yang bermaksud : "Barang siapa yang solatnya itu tidak dapat menahannya dari melakukan perbuatan keji dan mungkar, maka sesungguhnya solatnya itu hanya menambahkan kemurkaan Allah S.W.T dan jauh dari Allah."
Hassan r.a berkata : "Kalau solat kamu itu tidak dapat menahan kamu dari melakukan perbuatan mungkar dan keji, maka sesungguhnya kamu dianggap orang yang tidak mengerjakan solat. Dan pada hari kiamat nanti solatmu itu akan dilemparkan semula ke arah mukamu seperti satu bungkusan kain tebal yang buruk."
Rasulullah S.A.W telah bersabda bahawa : "10 orang solatnya tidak diterima oleh Allah S.W.T, antaranya :
1. Orang lelaki yang solat sendirian tanpa membaca sesuatu.
2. Orang lelaki yang mengerjakan solat tetapi tidak mengeluarkan zakat.
3. Orang lelaki yang menjadi imam, padahal orang yang menjadi makmum membencinya.
4. Orang lelaki yang melarikan diri.
5. Orang lelaki yang minum arak tanpa mahu meninggalkannya (Taubat).
6. Orang perempuan yang suaminya marah kepadanya.
7. Orang perempuan yang mengerjakan solat tanpa memakai tudung.
8. Imam atau pemimpin yang sombong dan zalim menganiaya.
9. Orang-orang yang suka makan riba'.
10. Orang yang solatnya tidak dapat menahannya dari melakukan perbuatan yang keji dan mungkar."
Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W yang bermaksud : "Barang siapa yang solatnya itu tidak dapat menahannya dari melakukan perbuatan keji dan mungkar, maka sesungguhnya solatnya itu hanya menambahkan kemurkaan Allah S.W.T dan jauh dari Allah."
Hassan r.a berkata : "Kalau solat kamu itu tidak dapat menahan kamu dari melakukan perbuatan mungkar dan keji, maka sesungguhnya kamu dianggap orang yang tidak mengerjakan solat. Dan pada hari kiamat nanti solatmu itu akan dilemparkan semula ke arah mukamu seperti satu bungkusan kain tebal yang buruk."
Semua orang tahu bahawa kalau meninggalkan solat adalah dosa besar dan malahan lebih hina daripada khinzir. Betapa hinanya kita kalau meninggalkan solat seperti yang dikisahkan pada zaman Nabi Musa as. Begini kisahnya, pada zaman Nabi Musa, ada seorang lelaki yang sudah berumahtangga, dia tiada zuriat, lalu terdetik dalam hati dia (nazar), "Kalau aku dapat anak, aku akan minum air kencing anjing hitam." Nak dijadikan cerita, Allah pun kurniakan isteri si lelaki tadi pun hamil dan melahirkan anak.
Apabila dah dapat anak, lelaki ni pun runsinglah. Dia dah nazar nak kena minum air kencing anjing hitam. Syariat pada zaman Nabi Musa berbeza dengan syariat yang turun untuk umat Nabi Muhammad. Kalau umat Nabi Muhammad, nazar benda yang haram, maka tak payah buat tapi kena denda (dam) atau sedekah. Tapi kalau zaman Nabi Musa, barang siapa bernazar, walaupun haram tetap kena laksanakan nazar tu. Lalu, si lelaki yang baru mendapat anak, dengan susah hatinya pergilah bertemu dengan Nabi Allah Musa dan menceritakan segala yang terjadi ke atas dirinya.
Lalu, Nabi Musa menjawab bahawa lelaki tu tak perlu minum air kencing anjing hitam tetapi akan minum air yang lebih hina dari air kencing anjing hitam. Nabi Musa perintahkan lelaki tersebut untuk pergi menadah air yang jatuh dari bumbung rumah orang yang meninggalkan solat dan minum air tu. Lelaki itu pun senang hati, menjalankan apa yang diperintahkan oleh Nabi Musa tadi. Lihatlah, betapa hinanya orang yang meninggalkan solat, sampai dikatakan air yang jatuh dari bumbung rumahnya, lebih hina dari air kencing anjing hitam. Itu baru air bumbung rumah, belum air tangan lagi. Menyentuh bab air tangan, selalu kita suka makan masakan ibu/isteri kita.
Jadi, kepada muslimat sekalian, peliharalah solat kerana kalau meninggalkan solat (kalau tak uzur), air tangan akan menitik ke dalam basuhan makanan; nasi, dsb. Anak-anak, suami pula yang akan makan makanan yang dimasak. Takkan nak biarkan suami dan anak-anak gelap hati minum air tangan orang tinggalkan solat. Tak gamak kan?
Tapi lain pula halnya dengan kita ni. Pagi petang, mamak! Teh tarik satu, roti canai satu. Ada pulak segelintir tukang masak yang tak solat. Kita pun makan bekas air tangan dia..Gelaplah hati kita, sebab tu liat nak buat kerja-kerja yang baik. Hati² apa yang kita makan. Betapa beratnya amalan solat ni hatta Allah syariatkan solat kepada Nabi Muhammad melalui Isra' Mikraj sedangkan kewajipan-kewajipan lain memadai diutus melalui Jibril as. Ketika saat Rasulullah nazak, sempat baginda berpesan kepada Saidina Ali (dan untuk umat Islam), "As-solah as Solah wa amalakat aimanukum". Maknanya, "Solat, solat jangan sekali kamu abaikan dan peliharalah orang-orang yang lemah di bawah tanggunganmu" .
Monday, November 22, 2010
Rawatan Kecantikan Bakal Pengantin
Pakej Perkahwinan / Rawatan Kecantikan Pengantin
Musim cuti sekolah bakal tiba dan ramai jugalah yang berhajat untuk melangsungkan perkahwinan. Baik dari segi hantaran, katering, solekan andaman, pelamin dan paling penting adalah penampilan bakal ratu dan raja sehari itu agar kelihatan segar dan anggun. Persediaan perkahwinan juga melibatkan persiapan terhadap ketrampilan diri. Rawatan muka atau facials selalu popular di kalangan pengantin perempuan. Tidak lupa juga mereka yang mengamalkan petua-petua kecantikan tertentu dengan menggunakan ramuan tradisional ataupun produk kecantikan yang dibeli di Yoyoy Kamphora Spa. Tidak juga yang memilih untuk mandi susu.
Kursus Kecantikan
Akademi Kecantikan Yoyoy Kamphora sedang mengadakan promosi kursus rawatan kecantikan sempena cuti sekolah sepanjang November dan Disember..
Kami berpengalaman luas dalam bidang kesihatan dan kecantikan. Kami mengutamakan praktikal agar peserta boleh terus mempraktikkannya apabila sudah selesai kursus..
- Kursus Facial RM 300 ( 2 hari )
- Kursus Urutan Aromaterapi RM 400 ( 2 hari )
- Kursus Rawatan Spa RM 500 ( 2 hari )
- Kursus Bekam RM 200 ( 2 hari )
Sunday, November 21, 2010
How to Be Yourself
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
Being yourself is celebrating you, as an individual - learning to express yourself and be happy with who you are. For some people, it's learning to love yourself, for others, it's not hiding who you are or changing things about you to fit in. So read on to know how to express the inner you.
1. Define yourself. You can't be yourself if you don't know, understand, and accept yourself first. It should be your primary goal to find this out. Try to take time to yourself and contemplate your life and choices. Try to think about what kind of things you would or wouldn't like to do, and act accordingly; finding out through trial and error helps more than you might think it does. You can even take personality tests, but be careful to only take what you want from them and not let them define you. Work on accepting mistakes and choices you've made; they're done and in the past, so there is no use crying over spilled milk.
How to Be Smart and Cool at the Same Time
Many people think that if you're a straight A student or you like making computer programs, you are a nerd. However, you can be smart and cool at the same time. This guide will teach you how to transform from a nerd into a totally cool dude without changing interests.
1. Analyze the situation. How nerdy are you? Are you a nerd at all? We're not talking about how smart you are. You need to figure out how people perceive you, for the most part. Slightly dorky, but mostly cool? A normal kid with a geeky side? A total social outcast? Someone you wouldn't expect to have good grades? Don't let what you find out in this step get you down or make you arrogant. Others' opinion of you isn't the end of the world. We are just using it as a tool for your personal development. Besides, you're not really "nerdy." You're just smart and you happen to be capable of forming interests without the validation of the mainstream.
2. Learn to listen. Sometimes you might not notice that you are talking and think that people are actually interested but they are annoyed or bored. If you can't think of anything to say ask a question that is not too lame. Most people like to talk about themselves. It's good to be talkative and able to hold up a conversation, but make sure to let the other person or people speak - really listen when they are talking. Practice your speaking skills with people you feel comfortable with, like a sibling or neighbor.
1. Analyze the situation. How nerdy are you? Are you a nerd at all? We're not talking about how smart you are. You need to figure out how people perceive you, for the most part. Slightly dorky, but mostly cool? A normal kid with a geeky side? A total social outcast? Someone you wouldn't expect to have good grades? Don't let what you find out in this step get you down or make you arrogant. Others' opinion of you isn't the end of the world. We are just using it as a tool for your personal development. Besides, you're not really "nerdy." You're just smart and you happen to be capable of forming interests without the validation of the mainstream.
2. Learn to listen. Sometimes you might not notice that you are talking and think that people are actually interested but they are annoyed or bored. If you can't think of anything to say ask a question that is not too lame. Most people like to talk about themselves. It's good to be talkative and able to hold up a conversation, but make sure to let the other person or people speak - really listen when they are talking. Practice your speaking skills with people you feel comfortable with, like a sibling or neighbor.
3.Do not talk too much about your personal life. If someone asks what you like to do for fun, don't lie. Just answer honestly (no matter how geeky the answer is). But do not go into much detail. For example, if you like to make web-pages, don't say "I make the best web-pages without even using any programs. I make them with notepad because I memorized HTML and I'm fluent in javascript, and I hate how the "WYSIWYG" editors force you to conform. I also like to play MMORPGS, Warcraft on the Dalaran server, to be specific, blah-blah-blah." Just say, "I like to use the computer and play videogames." If they ask you specifically, say "I make websites", or "I like to play Warcraft". Don't go into details, unless you're asked, because most people don't care. They're just making conversation (something you'll soon be doing!) If you play a sport or do something else in your free time, like go shopping, go to the beach, watch movies or eat at your favorite restaurant - you might want to mention that too, in order to downplay your "nerdy" hobbies. Make sure you ask them what they like to do.
4. Avoid getting obsessed with things that don't really matter. For example, do not care about your post count on any forum. Or don't care about your page views. The point of forums/communities are to share thoughts, ask questions and discuss topics, not have 65,405 posts and 485 topics with 6,584 replies. Life is too short to freak out about stuff like that. Go outside and get some fresh air or learn to play an instrument instead of wasting your time with that. And if it really is that important to you, you probably don't want to mention that to most people.
5. Do not brag. Do not try to say that you are better than someone through bragging. You think you're being cool, but bragging is annoying, and that makes you annoying. Don't be a know-it-all who always corrects people's grammar and ideas either.
6. Do not do pointless things that other people label as "cool." For example, care more about knowledge than your grades. Fail rather than cheat. Have some integrity and class!
7. Disregard what some idiots think about you. Don't even respond if someone insults you (unless you want to look up some snippy comebacks). You know that you're cool. Don't lower your mentality to theirs! If they keep bothering you, you can walk away or use one of those snippy comebacks and then walk away.
8. Have good hygiene. Nothing screams "NERD!" like gunky teeth, greasy hair and too-small clothes. It is kind of sad that people place so much importance on looks, but it is the truth. For right now, it's best to just stay healthy and clean for wellness's sake. Shower daily, brush your teeth, floss, wear deodorant/antiperspirant and brush your hair. You might want to save up for money to buy new clothes if you are sick of people making fun of yours. You don't have to buy exactly what the "popular" kids wear, but something stylish and flattering works fine. Ask a friend if you need help. If you have glasses that you think detract from your appearance a lot, you can always try contacts. If you can't wear contacts for some reason (sensitive corneas, for instance), don't worry about it. Plenty of really cool and smart people wear glasses. And don't worry about people thinking braces are dorky. See all those perfectly straight teeth on the movie stars? Most of those have had to deal with years of orthodontic treatment.
9. Try to be balanced. Do you have a mighty brain but weak and uncoordinated muscles? Build up your strength and stamina through sports or other daily physical activities. Studies show that daily exercise improves your brain and your mood.
10. Dress cool! You can be a nerd in the inside just don't show it! Wear cool stuff out side! But be smart!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
How to Bring Love Into a Relationship
1. Be open to love.First of all, you have to be willing to let love in your relationship and give love back 100%.
2. Don't rush into saying "I love you." Take the time to realize what you are saying, and that it means something. Unless you feel like it is a promise, then don't say it!
3. Make sure you trust, admire, and respect the person you are with. Can you see being with him (or her) forever? Can you really talk to each other? Can you be honest with, and support, each other? Do you have meaningful conversations? Do you mean something to each other? Is the relationship exclusive, serious, long-term, mature, meaningful, loving, trustful, respectful, and so on? If the answer is yes, then you may be heading towards love.
4. Take the physical aspect of the relationship slowly as well. This will give you time to develop other aspects of your relationship. Like the verbal, psychological, mental, emotional, affectionate, and other kinds of intimacy / closeness that has nothing to do with the physical stuff.
5. Don't let your life completely revolve around them. Your partner will find it sexy that you have other priorities. It's a sign of self-respect.
6. If you're not yet ready to say, "I love you," try "I love it when you..." or "I love your..." instead.
* When you are comfortable with that person, open up and let that person in your life.
* Trust your instincts.
* Make time for each other.
* Spend time apart as well.
* Connect/bond--on a deeper level (than physical and other ones) with one another---let there be time for the emotional, psychological, mental, verbal, and other intimacy or closeness to grow, expand, develop, etc.
How to Make Someone Fall in Love with You
1. Love yourself. Whether you're goofy, silly, crazy, quirky, smart, or reserved. How can you expect a person to love you if you feel unlovable? You have to show this person how awesome you are, but first you need to know how awesome you are. Build up your self-confidence.This means getting to a place where you're comfortable in your own skin. You can be secure, sweet and humble all at the same time.
2. Share a good laugh. It's been said that laughter is the sound of love. If you share many laughs together, you're both going to be a lot more receptive to love. However, don't put on a show, or make yourself a clown just to make someone laugh. The best laughs are spontaneous, and result from having a positive attitude towards life.
3. Pace yourself. You might be crazy about this person, but if you want a steady kind of love (rather than a fling that flares and fades quickly) then you're going to need to be patient and take your time. Don't be obsessive or suffocating. Give him or her the time to think about what life could be like with you by their side. You can't force someone to love you, and trying to hurry things up can ruin the courtship altogether. Let things progress at a natural pace, or fade out of natural causes.
4. Get to know the person inside out. Always be accepting and open-minded. He or she will sense this and feel like you're the only person who truly knows them, and thus, the only person they can be their uninhibited selves around.
* Learning unconditional love is the key to making someone fall in love with you.
* Mastering your expectations will determine how deeply you can love.
* The more you learn to Love Unconditionally, the more Love you will have in your life.
* You will be a stronger person after you master this principle.
* Before trying this exercise, take a good look at the person you will be trying this technique with. You will want a person of good character, with good morals, who will be receptive to you as a human being.
* Maybe a friend would be good to try it with; but remember if you are sending out love to a friend - your friend may very well fall in love with you - so do not ruin a good friendship if you can not carry out your love for your friend.
* Be selective, this is really an exercise for you and about you gaining more control over your love life and life in general. Use good judgment when practicing this technique.
* If you do fall in love, be careful because you might give them your heart and they might not want it. There's always a chance your heart will be broken.
* If that person is mean to you and you like that person you have little chance.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Honey is Good for Malaysian
Why honey is good for Malaysia people?
Honey has been eulogized in the scriptures of every major religion since the dawn of time, but is the “food of the gods” really that good for Malaysian? Yes – in moderation. Natural honey is valued for its sweetness, and is chock full of unexpected goodness. Because it’s predigested by insects many Malaysian who can’t stomach cane sugar can more easily metabolize honey and enjoy its natural energy – so it’s almost the perfect food.
Honey is composed of two main sugars, levulose and dextrose. These sugars do not need to be broken down by the digestive process, so honey is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, giving a quick energy boost to the body. It also contains protein, vitamins and minerals, but no cholesterol.
Honey contains natural antioxidant properties that can destroy biologically destructive chemical agents which have been linked to many diseases such as cancer. Not only could honey’s antioxidants help to eliminate free radicals in the body, they are also part of the nutrient supply for growth of new tissue. Because of this, for centuries, honey has been used all over the world in different cultures as a home remedy.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Promosi Rawatan Bakal pengantin
Pakej 1 ( RM 200)
* Sauna Aromatherapy
* Full Lulur Whitening
* Sauna Aromatherapy
* Full Lulur Whitening
* Mandian Bunga Aura Seri Pengantin
* Facial Pupur
* Facial Pupur
* Facial Aura Seri
* Aroma Eye Pillow Treatment
* Aroma Eye Pillow Treatment
* Honey Drink
Pakej 2 ( RM 250 )
* Sauna Aromatherapy
* Full Lulur Whitening
* Body Whitening Mask
* Mandian Bunga Aura Seri Pengantin
* Facial Pupur
Pakej 2 ( RM 250 )
* Sauna Aromatherapy
* Full Lulur Whitening
* Body Whitening Mask
* Mandian Bunga Aura Seri Pengantin
* Facial Pupur
* Aura Seri
* Aroma Eye Pillow Treatment
* Aroma Eye Pillow Treatment
* Honey Drink
Pakej 3 ( RM 250 )
* Sauna Aromatherapy
* Full Lulur Whitening
* Aura Seri Body Massage
* Mandian Bunga Aura Seri Pengantin
* Facial Pupur
Pakej 3 ( RM 250 )
* Sauna Aromatherapy
* Full Lulur Whitening
* Aura Seri Body Massage
* Mandian Bunga Aura Seri Pengantin
* Facial Pupur
*Facial Aura Seri
* Aroma Eye Pillow Treatment
* Aroma Eye Pillow Treatment
* Honey Drink
Pakej 4 ( RM 310 )
* Aura Seri Body Massage
* Sauna Aromatherapy
* Full Lulur Whitening
* Body Whitening Mask
* Mandian Bunga Aura Seri Pengantin
* Facial Pupur
Pakej 4 ( RM 310 )
* Aura Seri Body Massage
* Sauna Aromatherapy
* Full Lulur Whitening
* Body Whitening Mask
* Mandian Bunga Aura Seri Pengantin
* Facial Pupur
* Facial Aura Seri
* Aroma Eye Pillow TreatmentTuesday, November 16, 2010
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha 2010
Kami mengucapkan selamat menyambut Hari Raya Aidiladha kepada semua umat Islam seluruh dunia..Maaf zahir dan batin
Petua Kecantikan Dalaman Wanita
- Apabila megambil jamu, jangan amalkan minum air kelapa kerana ia akan meneutralkan semula badan
- Untuk wanita lepas bersalin, pegambilan jamu boleh dimulakan pada jari ketujuh selepas melahirkan anak sehingga habis tempoh berpantang.
- Wanita yang bersalin secara pembedahan, digalakan mengambil jamu selepas 2 atau 4 minggu setelah luka pembedahan pulih
- Amalan berpilis bertujuan menghalang darah meroyan naik ke mata manakala bertungku dan berbengkung pula dapat merapatkan pintu rahim.
- Dalam tempoh 44 hari berpantang. jangan bersama dengan suami untuk mengelakkan kerosakan faraj.
- Sekiranya mendapati diri hamil, elakan mengambil jamu atau sebarang ubat-ubatan lain.
- Apabila usia mencecah 40 tahun, kurangkan pemgambilan makanan laut sebalikanya lebihkan ulam-ulaman
- Bagi wanita, kurangkan pengambilan makanan dan minuman sejuk utnuk mengekalkan kesihatan
- Jangan amalkan makan bersulamkan air kerana ia boleh menyebabkan perut buncit

Cara Penggunaan
Ambil 2 kapsul Jamu Mak Dara setiap kali sebanyak 2 kali sehari sebelum makan. Banyakkan minum air suam.
Elakkan minum air sejuk peti ais, air berais dan makanan yang sejuk seperti tembikai, timum , buah kundur dan lain lain.
Juga elakkan makanan berlemak , berkuah dan berair seperti kobis, seboleh boleh nya sehingga selepas pantang kerana jika di ambil berlebihan akan memudaratkan kesihatan tubuh .
Menjual Set Bersalin Jamu Mak Dara
Set Bersalin Jamumakdara
Amalam berpantang selepas bersalin telah menjadi tradisi bagi masyarakat melayu. Amalan tersebut sangat di titik beratkan oleh emak Ibu Halimah ketika beliau di dalam tempoh berpantang.
Set Bersalin Ibu Halimah adalah hasil daripada amalan turun temurun keluarga beliau dan kini, ia di perkenalkan untuk kegunaan umum.Ramuan yang di gunakan adalah 100% herba hutan hujan tropika dan tidak mengandungi bahan tiruan , manakala bengkung yang di sediakan adalah bengkung tradisional Melayu.
Set Bersalin Ibu Halimah adalah hasil daripada amalan turun temurun keluarga beliau dan kini, ia di perkenalkan untuk kegunaan umum.Ramuan yang di gunakan adalah 100% herba hutan hujan tropika dan tidak mengandungi bahan tiruan , manakala bengkung yang di sediakan adalah bengkung tradisional Melayu.
Monday, November 15, 2010
How to Improve Your Memory
Wouldn’t it be nice to just look at a page and never forget what was on there? What if you could never again forget a friend’s birthday? The bad news is, not everyone has a photographic memory, otherwise known as eidetic memory. Only a few actually have it, the rest rely on mnemonic devices. The good news, however, is that everyone can take steps to improve their memory, and with time and practice most people can gain the ability to memorize seemingly impossible amounts of information. Whether you want to win the World Memory Championships, ace your history test, or simply remember where you put your keys, this article can get you started.
1. Convince yourself that you do have a good memory that will improve. Too many people get stuck here and convince themselves that their memory is bad, that they are just not good with names, that numbers just slip out of their minds for some reason. Erase those thoughts and vow to improve your memory. Commit yourself to the task and bask in your achievements -- it's hard to keep motivated if you beat yourself down every time you make a little bit of progress.
2. Exercise your brain. Regularly "exercising" the brain keeps it growing and spurs the development of new nerve connections that can help improve memory. By developing new mental skills -- especially complex ones such as learning a new language or learning to play a new musical instrument -- and challenging your brain with puzzles and games, you can keep your brain active and improve its physiological functioning. Try some fun puzzle exercises everyday such as crosswords, Sudoku, and other games which are easy enough to download into your mobile phone and which you can practice on for several minutes per day.
1. Convince yourself that you do have a good memory that will improve. Too many people get stuck here and convince themselves that their memory is bad, that they are just not good with names, that numbers just slip out of their minds for some reason. Erase those thoughts and vow to improve your memory. Commit yourself to the task and bask in your achievements -- it's hard to keep motivated if you beat yourself down every time you make a little bit of progress.
2. Exercise your brain. Regularly "exercising" the brain keeps it growing and spurs the development of new nerve connections that can help improve memory. By developing new mental skills -- especially complex ones such as learning a new language or learning to play a new musical instrument -- and challenging your brain with puzzles and games, you can keep your brain active and improve its physiological functioning. Try some fun puzzle exercises everyday such as crosswords, Sudoku, and other games which are easy enough to download into your mobile phone and which you can practice on for several minutes per day.
How to Be Smart

1. Set goals once a week. Do the important things first. This helps because you might need to do an important project and you decide to go and play football instead. And the night before the project is due you are rushing around and may not even finish. Your teacher will be able to tell 2 things, you've rushed it and you haven't put any effort into it.
2. Work on your vocabulary. Read good books, try to use a few definitions from the dictionary each day, or subscribe to a "word-of-the-day" service on-line. You can also take the vocabulary tests in Readers Digest or buy a book on increasing your working vocabulary. Read the dictionary one letter at a time. This will take you a year at least but you will grow intellectually.
3. Simplify. Talking about things that no one else can understand does not make you smart. Genius is the ability to translate the complex into the simple. Practice explaining concepts to others. See just how simple and clear you can make your explanations. If someone doesn't understand you, it is not their fault for being an idiot, it is your fault for being inarticulate.
4. Further your education. Keep in mind an education isn't the junk you are forced to do in school for diplomas and degrees; it's an understanding of the world around you. People who are naturally curious for some reason begin to stop asking questions the moment they hit school. The truly brilliant mind however, always questions their world and tries to make sense of it. That is the secret to "genius". Do not let the relentless orders and busywork of school called an "education" fool you. Schools are one potential resource if you enjoy the environment but by no means are they necessary for brilliance and by no means are they the best way. For more information learn about Unschooling. Note the significant contributions Unschoolers have made.
5.Cultivate an interest in subjects like current events, interesting facts, funny and inspiring quotations, good books and movies, scientific studies and interesting inventions. Educational television is a great way to learn. Check out PBS or History channel. People who have something to talk about other than their own internal problems and worries appear far more interesting and intelligent.
6. Make a sheet of paper and write a keyword for everything you want to memorize. If you don't retain information actively (that means: it would come to your mind in a conversation) when you cross up it the first time (thats very likely after the end of childhood), the act of writing and looking on the thing some more times (you hopefully won't have to learn it like vocabulary - actually, you should enjoy broadening your horizon) will greatly increase the chance of retaining it in mind.
7. Read good books. They will make you both appear and be smarter. Reading really is fun and your mind will grow. Keep your reading diverse by reading books of all genres including non-fiction. Make sure the books are interesting to you. As you read more you will soon learn that, just like movies, some books are better than others. Keep searching out the ones you think are good. If not sure what to read... ask a teacher or go to the library. Get a library card.
8. Be organized. Begin each day by planning. Get a notebook or small digital planner to write down your daily homework assignments and write down the due dates for tests and papers. Get a weekly planner with your class schedule and plan your activities. Get a monthly calender to write down birthdays and big events. Write down what classes you have, when to do homework and what your homework is, dates, when you are hanging out with friends etc. all in your planner.
9. Learn to listen carefully to others' opinions about controversial things, or things they know about and you do not. You do not have to agree with them but remember everybody has something to teach you. If a person holds an opposing opinion they most likely have logical reasons for doing so. Asking questions may allow you to reevaluate your own beliefs, or point out the flaws in theirs. Keep an open mind. The more intelligent you are the more questions you will ask of your friends, teachers and parents.
10.Make connections. Burying information somewhere deep in your brain is not useful; you have to be able to access it in real-world situations. Think of real-world situations in which a piece of information will make sense.
11. Be nice to people. Care about the well being of others. Sometimes people don't realize if another person is hurting or sad. Look at their faces and in their eyes when you talk to them. There will always be bullies. They may call you names: a nerd, a freak, a geek, or use a racial or homophobic slur, but in this case they really will only be jealous and petty. Being nice to all people is also a sign of maturity, class and intelligence. Keep it up and people will notice.
12. Consider that it might be a good tactic is to go along with their mockery and laugh at yourself. Stand up for people who are getting bullied even if you might start getting bullied. If you really want to be smart, try to understand the bullies psychological motivations. Understanding the enemy is the best way to defeat them. Never insult anyone, gossip or hurt someone physically. Don't make offensive jokes.If someone is abusive to you, you can ignore them or go to adults for advice on how to deal with them. Be respectful to yourself, friends, parents and teachers.
13. Be friends with smart people who do all of the above. It will boost your self-esteem, confidence, make you less likely to be teased, prevent depression, help you study harder, make your life happier and otherwise enrich your life. You can also make studying fun with your friends.
14. Exercise your mind. Learn how to solve the Rubik's cube. It is easier than it appears if you learn tricks in visualizing the cube's geometry. Also do word and math puzzles-such as Sudoku. This will make you at least twice as smart!
15. Learn how to do mental sums or speed math. There are all sorts of tricks for doing complicated math in your head that will amaze others. Plus it can potentially increase working memory.
16. Visit new places as much as you can. If possible, try to visit other countries too. Visiting cities in your country or in a different one, gives you a open mind and teaches you about the world we live in. You will be able to understand other cultures(how people live in a different place, how they behave with each other, how they live and so on). You will also be able to understand that the planet earth is huge and there are so much to see and do. You will be fascinated on how there are so many different people and culture in the world. That will make you smart and interesting.
17. Draw a diagram of it. Smart people are good at using diagrams too. Don't be just word-oriented, or abstract concept oriented. Look for your weaknesses and improve on those as well.
18. Analyze complex situations for practice. That will enable you to understand complex things better. And it will give you a better understanding of easier / simpler things.
19. Act smart. If you act like you're smart then you can convince people that you are actually smart. This will in turn make you believe that you really are smart. Just believe in yourself and pretend to be smart. After some time you will begin to gain confidence that you really are smart.
20.Update your skills. Learn to use technology. Be an eager learner.Be more practical.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Promosi Kursus Intensif Rawatan Kecantikan Spa
Akademi Kecantikan Yoyoy Kamphora sedang mengadakan promosi kursus rawatan kecantikan sempena cuti sekolah sepanjang November dan Disember..
Kami berpengalaman luas dalam bidang kesihatan dan kecantikan. Kami mengutamakan praktikal agar peserta boleh terus mempraktikkannya apabila sudah selesai kursus..
- Kursus Facial RM 300
- Kursus Urutan Aromaterapi RM 400
- Kursus Rawatan Spa RM 500
- Kursus Bekam RM 200
Petua mendapat anak soleh & solehah
Salam semua...
Di akhir-akhir ini, kita lihat pelbagai masalah sosial melanda di kalangan kita.setiap hari kita melihat pelbagai jenayah,vandalisme dan aktiviti tidak sihat mempelopori tajuk di dada-dada akhbar.inikah perangai manusia di akhir saman ini???
Pelbagai gejala sosial mula tumbuh bak cendawan contohnya budaya merempit.macam tidak berkesudahan masalah ini.dan juga bertambahnya anak derhaka sehingga sanggup membunuh ibubapa sendiri dan membuat perkara2 yg menyakiti ibubapa mereka.
Oleh itu kami ingin berkongsi sedikit sebanyak petua untuk mendapat anak yang soleh disamping kita sentiasa berdoa kepada allah s.w.t.
Petua mendapat anak Soleh & Solehah
Semua petua ini diamalkan semasa mengandung
1.Surah Yusuf,
Baik diamalkan kerana ia akan melahirkan anak lelaki yang baik dan menjadi orang yang beruntung serta di jaga dari perilaku yang terlarang dibacakan Dari 0 hingga 3 bulan
2.Surah Lukman
Untuk memperoleh anak yang cerdik akal dan cerdik jiwa.Sebaiknya dibacakan Dari 4 hingga 6 bulan
3.surah mariam
memudahkan ibu bersalin dibacakan Dari 7 hingga 9 bulan
4.Sentiasa mengingati allah
Dan banyakkan meminta ampun dan taubat supaya hati kita menjadi bersih.Dengan ini juga diharap anak yang bakal lahir nanti bersih hatinya dan ibu dapat bersalin dengan tenang dan selamat.
5.Sentiasa tenang dan gembira
supaya bersedia dengan apa jua yang mendatang.Bila emosi tenang pertumbuhan bayi akan berjalan lancar dan menghasilkan bayi sihat,comel serta cerdas
7.Berakhlak mulia kerana semua tingkahlaku kita akan memepengaruhi sikap anak yang dikandung.
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