Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Breaking : Kisah Seorang Gadis Yang Hampir Di Culik Di The Curve Mutiara Damansara Semalam

Ok kisah ni ditulis sendiri tuan punya badan di facebook beliau. Copy paste. Tolong share kepada kawan² yg lain.
As I sit here writing this, I am just so grateful to be alive.
To think that 30 hours ago I had a knife to my throat, face to face with the threat of being kidnapped and raped.
It was a Sunday, at 5.22PM. I was alone, walking towards my boyfriend's car in level B2 of The Curve, Mutiara Damansara. He was not in town, and I was running errands with his car. Just as I was putting my shopping bags in the rear seat, the rear car door was slammed against my back, and a meat cleaver was pressed against my throat. A man covered my mouth with his hand, and whispered not to scream. He then shoved me onto the floor of the backseat of the car and waved the cleaver at me, reminding me not to scream. He was skinny, wearing a baggy turqoise blue t-shirt, had a thick moustache and short curly hair, approx 5'8", mid-30s, and of Indian descent.


Dari Ibnu Abbas ra. bahwa Nabi SAW yang berkata: "Barangsiapa yang berpegang dengan sunnahku, ketika merata kerosakan pada ummatku, maka baginya pahala seratus orang yang mati syahid". (Riwayat Baihaqi)

1- Air dan segala minuman yang halal hendaklah diminum dengan tangan kanan kerana Syaitan menggunakan tangan kiri bagi makan dan minum. (Khasail Nabawi)

2- Hendaklah minum dengan sedutan yang berlainan. (Tirmizi)

3- Baca Bismillah dan Alhamdulillah pada setiap sedutaun. (Bukhari)

Monday, May 28, 2012

Talk Show Bella ntv7 - Yoyoy Kamphora Spa ( May 2012 )

The talk show topic - Massage

Traditionally, Malay women who have just given birth are advised to undergo the traditional massage for at least three consecutive days, and if possible, even longer. 

Health Spa in Kuala Lumpur - Yoyoy Kamphora Spa.

Visiting health spa in Kuala Lumpur is indeed such a great experience. Beauty & Helath Spa in Taman Melawati Kuala Lumpur.

Holistic Approach to Beauty and Wellness - achieving wellness through balancing energy of the mind, body and spirit and achieving beauty through holistic wellness. This is the only way to lasting beauty and good health. There is energy within each of us. This life force needs to be recharged as we go through the daily challenges of life. It is only when the energy in our mind, body and spirit are in perfect harmony can we achieve complete and lasting wellness and beauty.

Modern Spa Muslimah at Yoyoy Kamphora Spa, Kuala Lumpur.

"The Malay Traditional Day Spa in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia."

Yoyoy Kamphora Spa is an exclusive spa centre and a relaxation place you must visit when you are in Gombak, Kuala Lumpur. We are offering the variety of related treatments for Malaysian and Worldwide visitors to pamper, relax and rejuvenate you from the moment you arrive.

We'll pamper you with traditional and natural exotic tropical oils, plant extracts and essential oils to help you relax. Commitment for Quality - We pride ourselves on having the highest quality products and staffs, but you wouldn't know it by our prices.

By providing you the better services, we welcome everyone to come and experience our exquisite treatments, which were all designed to pamper you till you reach a feeling of complete serenity.

Traditional Spa in Kuala Lumpur - Yoyoy Kamphora Spa

Escape to an oasis of calm and tranquility as you indulge on the ultimate spa experience.Awaken your senses and pamper yourself from head to toe with traditional Yoyoy Kamphora Spa.

By providing you the better services, we welcome everyone to come and experience our exquisite treatments, which were all designed to pamper you till you reach a feeling of complete serenity. 

Best Massage Service By Specialist In KL for KL Massage. For more info: 

Ladies Spa - Rest & Relax - Spa Kuala Lumpur

The Spa at Yoyoy Kamphora Spa, Kuala Lumpur is the perfect urban escape, reaching far beyond the traditional spa experience. We take a holistic approach to your well-being, providing a complete sensory journey.

Relaxing earthy tones and warm lighting creates a calm, soothing atmosphere in each of our treatment rooms. Stress simply dissolves in our heat and aqua oasis. Our range of treatments is extensive to ensure we offer an entirely personalised therapy, and is performed by professionals with expertise.

Spa Ampang: Lulur Tradisional untuk Memanjakan Kulit di Yoyoy Kamphora Spa.

Scrub / Lulur badan

Ramai wanita menganggap bahawa lulur atau scrub hanya sesuai digunakan oleh bakal pegantin menjelang perkahwinan mereka. Oooh anda salah, sebab lulur badan ni sangat penting sebab mempunyai kebaikan yang tertentu seperti :

  1. Menghaluskan dan menggebukan kulit
  2. mencerahkan dan mensekatakan warna kulit
  3. Mengurangkan parut
  4. Mengurangkan jerawat (radang kulit di badan )
  5. Menaikkan seri
  6. Mengurangkan jeragat pada badan
  7. Mengurangkan kesan selulit
  8. Mengawal bau badan

Yoyoy Kamphora Spa Traditional Malay Massage.

We offer a wide range of quality specialised products and services to meet all your needs; classified into Massage Therapy, Traditional Treatments and Modern Treatments.

Yoyoy Kamphora Spa Malay massage combines stretching, stepping, long kneading strokes and pressure applied to every part of the body, from the head, face and shoulder.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Utusan Malaysia 22 Mei 2012 @ Yoyoy Kamphora Spa

Yoyoy Kamphora Spa di Utusan Malaysia pada 22 Mei 2012 iaitu pada Hari Selasa. 
Artikel mengenai Yoyoy Kamphora Spa menggunakan Sumber Alami untuk memberi rawatan kepada pelanggan di Spa.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Cara cara mengatasi payudara kendur

Ramai wanita yang menghadapi masalah ini apabila usia semakin meningkat. Bukan sahaja mereka yang menyusu dan melahirkan anak. Umumnya ia adalah disebabkan oleh elasticity yang menyokong payudara menjadi semakin kurang dan menyebabkan payudara semakin kendur.

Walau pun ramai yang menyangkakan penyusuan susu ibu menjadi salah satu faktor payudara menjadi kendur, ia adalah tidak benar
sama sekali.

10 Cara meningkatkan keyakinan diri

Yakin diri, adalah satu jati diri yang seharusnya ada dalam setiap individu. Yakin diri disini tidak bermaksud meninggi diri tetapi lebih kepada kepercayaan terhadap keupayaan sendiri dalam melakukan sesuatu. Walau apapun matlamat yang ingin anda capai, jika anda yakin dengan potensi dan kelebihan diri sendiri, insyaAllah hasil yang anda hasilkan pasti hebat. Di dalam artikel ini ZL ingin berkongsi 10 tips meningkatkan keyakinan diri yang boleh anda cuba.

5 Tarikan Wanita Menurut Pandangan Lelaki Yang Beriman.

Usah bangga dan usah pula risau akan paras rupa untuk merebut kasih sayang manusia. Tetapi marilah berlumba-lumba untuk menjadi wanita yang bertaqwa dan berakhlak mulia. Nescaya disayangi Allah serta makhluk-makhlukNya. Jodoh itu ketentuan Allah dan kita wajib berusaha. Doa, usaha yang betul dan bersungguh-sungguh disesrtai dengan tawakal, insyaAllah akan menemukan anda dengan pasangan. Banyak orang masih belum bertemu jodoh kerana mudah patah semangat. Teruskan usaha sehingga anda bertemu jodoh. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Kelebihan Bulan Rejab

Diriwayatkan bahawa Nabi SAW telah bersabda:

“Ketahuilah bahawa bulan Rajab itu adalah bulan ALLAH, maka barangsipa yang berpuasa satu hari dalam bulan Rajab dengan ikhlas, maka pasti ia mendapat keredhaan yang besar dari ALLAH SWT.

Barangsiapa yang berpuasa dua hari dalam bulan Rajab mendapat kemuliaan di sisi ALLAH SWT.

Barangsiapa berpuasa tiga hari dalam bulan Rajab, maka ALLAH akan menyelamatkannya dari bahaya dunia, seksa akhirat, dari terkena penyakit gila, penyakit putih-putih di kulit badan yang menyebabkan sangat gatal dan diselamatkan dari fitnahnya syaitan dan dajjal.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

How to Achieve Success

We all hope to achieve success in many areas of our lives, but sometimes the road to success seems to be paved with difficulties and events that we hadn't planned for. The following steps will help you to clearly define what it is that you hope to achieve in life so that you can make your goals and dreams become a reality.

1 Set clear long-term and short-term goals. Make sure that you that you're motivated by and committed to the goals you've set for yourself so that you're willing to take the necessary steps to successfully reach those goals.

2 Stay focused on your goals once you've set them. It's easy to stray off course, but by keeping your goals in sight, you can work towards them every day.

How to Achieve Success in 6 Thoughts

The Wright brothers are credited with the first controlled, manned, powered flight on December 17th, 1903. Although they failed hundreds of times before they succeeded, they never gave up on their dream. Had they done so, invention of the modern aircraft would have been attributed to someone else.

This example illustrates the power that exists in the human mind. In the Wright brothers day, no one had ever seen an airplane fly. It would have been easy for them to conclude that their goal was unachievable. Today, we know it wasn’t. For the Wright brothers, believing was the first step.

Our minds have the ability to convince us that something is impossible long before we give it our best effort. If we’re not careful, we can formulate a mental surrender that says, “I can’t do this. I’ll never make it. It’s not possible.” Those who let themselves think this way are sure to fail because they stop trying to succeed. How can you make sure that your own mind doesn’t get in the way of your dreams?


Andai lelaki tahu..
Apabila seorang perempuan jatuh cinta,lelaki itu tidak semestinya punya segalanya tetapi lelaki itu adalah segalanya di hatinya.

Andai lelaki tahu..
Apabila seorang perempuan itu mengalirkan air mata, itu bukan bermakna dia lemah, tetapi dia sedang mencari kekuatan untuk terus tabah mencintai lelaki itu.

Andai lelaki tahu..
Apabila seorang perempuan marah, memang dia tidak mampu mengawal perasaannya tapi percayalah, itu maknanya dia sangat mengambil berat dan menyayangi lelaki itu. Lihat saja pasangan yang baru bercinta, mereka jarang bergaduh. Tetapi percayalah semakin bertambah sayang mereka pada seseorang, semakin pula banyak sesuatu yang terjadi.

5 Signs He DOESN'T Love You

1. If he says to you 'I only want to be with you," pay attention. The question that should come to mind is, 'Well, who else? Who else would you want to be with? Why am I the only one?' What does that even mean?

2. He says, 'I want you to have my baby.' Trust me, that very often is said in the passion of the moment and he means it in the moment but it's not going to be the way he feels the next day.

10 Ways to Make Your Relationship More Thrilling

The start of a relationship is exciting, risky, even a bit scary, and we savor every slightly out-of-control minute of it. "I'm crazy for him," we say. "He makes my heart pound." That early relationship thrill comes from the high of discovery.
1. Scare yourselves silly
Medical experts liken the body's fear response to sexual arousal -- our pulse quickens and we break out in a sweat, which may explain why people voluntarily bungee-jump or descend full speed down glaciers on skis. We get a rush from being scared in a somewhat controlled environment, and when we do it with a partner, 
we're brought together by the feeling of having conquered our fears hand in hand. Carol Worthington, 39, of Baltimore, can attest to this: "My husband, Brian, wanted to go skydiving, and even though it wasn't my idea of fun, I decided to go with him so we could share the thrill. It was the scariest thing I've ever done, but also one of the most exciting moments of our married life together."

Granted, jumping out of a plane may be more stimulation than many of us ever care to experience, but there's always the rock-climbing wall at your gym, the scream machine of your choice at the local amusement park or just watching a scary movie together in the dark.


  • Masakan selalu dan cepat basi ( rosak )
  • Selalu kedengaran seperti bunyi goli jatuh di lantai
  • Kedengaran seperti ada orang mengemas atau menarik perabot di tengah malam
  • Sering nampak kelibat atau lembaga hitam di dalam rumah
  • Penghuni rumah sering merasa seram dan takut apabila berada di dalam rumah.

CARA MENGUSIR JIN - ( Tahap Pertama )

Cara Mengusir Jin yang tinggal di dalam rumah

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

21 Perkara Yang Membuat Lelaki Menyenangi Wanita

1. Terima Lelaki agar Dia Menerima Anda
Mungkin tiada perkataan yang lebih sesuai untuk menyatakan ini selain dari
*Terimalah lelaki sebagai sediakala*.
Terima dia sebagai lelaki.
Yang penting untuk anda mengetahui ialah mengenai lelaki, bukan mengubah lelaki.
Jika anda mahu mengubah personaliti lelaki yang menjadi kekasih anda atau suami anda,
dia mungkin akan menjadi insan yang lain,
yang mungkin tidak anda sukai, dan tidak menyukai anda.

2. Fahamilah Lelaki Agar Dia Memahami Anda
Cuba memahami perangai sedia ada pada seorang lelaki dan
menyesuaikan perangai itu dengan diri anda,
adalah lebih baik dari cuba mengubahnya dan beranggapan bahawa ianya tidak sesuai dengan anda. Asalkan perangai itu tidak bertentangan dengan kehendak agama dan kesopanan budaya.
Dengan cara itu lelaki akan cuba memahami anda dan menyesuaikan dirinya dengan diri anda.

9 Sifat Perlu Ada Pada Wanita….

1.Sikap Keibuan
Banyak lelaki yg terpikat pada wanita yg bersikap keibuan, lembut,mengambil berat dan penuh kasih sayang. Wajah yg keibuan mampu membuatlelaki berasa tenteram ketika sedang stress, cemas dan gelisah dan senang hati ketika mahu bermanja. Jangan tunggu sampai melahirkan baru nak tonjolkan sikap keibuan. Setiap wanita ada potensi keibuan dalam diri masing2.

Dalam batas yg wajar, sifat keanak-anakan seorang wanita menjadi daya tarikan di mata lelaki. Mereka berasa terhibur dengan keletah anda. tetapi tentulah bukan sifat keanak-anakkan yg melampau dan menyakitkan hati tetapi sikap keanak-anakan yg menyenangkan. Misalnya, kemanjaan wanita yg membangkitkan naluri kebapaan dan kelakian lelaki. Wanita ceria membuat lelaki lebih berghairah.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Promosi Rawatan Kecantikan Wanita di Spa Kuala Lumpur @ Yoyoy Kamphora Spa

RM 100
Facial Pupur
Aura Seri Face Massage
Aroma Neck & Shoulder Massage

RM 100
Body Scrub Green Tea
Body Whitening Mask
Aroma Eye Pillow

RM 100
Sauna Aromatherapy
Relaxing Massage
Aroma Eye Pillow

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Islamic Spa Treatments in Malaysia: Yoyoy Kamphora Spa.

A ladies-only day spa offering a wealth of health & beauty treatments  under one roof. 

This is one of the Spa that offers Islamic Spa Treatment using products of IMP (Islamic Manufacturing Practise).

Lulur Scrub are a great way to keep your skin healthy and beautiful through exfoliating and combining it with a Stress Massage will just give you the out most satisfaction of hours of relaxation

ISLAMIC SPA PRATICE at Yoyoy Kamphora Spa, Kuala Lumpur.

Pampering Mind And Body At Yoyoy Kamphora Islamic Spas

Protests led by Islamist opposition claims luxury spas are front for prostitution and called for their closure.

Islamic Spa: Hijama Therapy in Kuala Lumpur

Islamic Basis of Hijama
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Cupping is the most helpful procedure for human beings to cure themselves.” (Al Bukhari, 5357, and Muslim 1577) 
He (peace and blessings be upon him) also said, “If there is any good in your medical treatments, it is in the blade of the cupper, drinking honey…..” (Al Bukhari, 5356, and Muslim, 2205)

Yoyoy Kamphora Spa Wangsa Walk: Vitamin C Facial Treatment.

A skin care Facial Treatment collection that's packed with Vitamin C to even out skin tone and repair sun and environmental damage.

Pure concentrated Vitamin C is applied to the whole face, after which a patented gentle electric wave is used to boost maximum penetration of up to 20 times into skin.

Vitamin C Facial Treatment if you want to Remove dull skin cells and reveal radiance with a gentle, exfoliating face wash that will leave your skin smooth and revitalized.

Spa Wangsa Maju Kuala Lumpur @ Yoyoy Kamphora Spa.

Beauty & Health Spa
Holistic Approach to Beauty and Wellness - achieving wellness through balancing energy of the mind, body and spirit and achieving beauty through holistic wellness. This is the only way to lasting beauty and good health. There is energy within each of us. This life force needs to be recharged as we go through the daily challenges of life. It is only when the energy in our mind, body and spirit are in perfect harmony can we achieve complete and lasting wellness and beauty.

Yoyoy Kamphora Spa Ampang: Mother's Day Spa and Pampering Gift

Choose your Package. Price  RM 199  /  each
* Aroma Neck & Shoulder Massage
* Lulur Scrub Green Tea (Full Body)
* Body Moisturizing Mask
* Milk Bath
* Aroma Eye Pillow Treatment
* Honey


* Steam Rejuvenate
* Relaxation Massage
* Facial Pearl + Lifting Treatment
* Aura Seri Face Massage
* Aroma Eye Pillow Treatment
* Honey

Thai Massage in Kuala Lumpur

Spa Ampang, Kuala Lumpur
Indulge in our special combination therapy. 

Luxuriate in your chosen path toward beauty and relaxation guided by the gentle hands of our qualified therapists. The spa brings together a multitude of approaches - Malay massage, Thai massage.
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